Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Habitual Habitat

        Cold Sweats. Paranoia. Darkness. 
Andrei had no idea what was going on, but he knew exactly what had just happened. The night before he had taken his first ever dose of black tar heroin, a drug which had consumed nearly all of his friends and family. Boris walked in the room, just as strung out as his cousin. There was a moment of silence as the two exhibited each other's pain, Boris showing no sign of remorse for having introduced his kin to the world of narcotics.
       “You will feel better by night time. Drink water, sleep.”
Boris collapsed onto the couch, and fell back into a heavy sleep.
The night before had been everything Andrei ever imagined it would be, and this is what pained him the most. For the first time since he could remember, the only feeling  surrounding him was that of bliss, the utmost happiness. Every thought was positive, every feeling was unfelt, every scratch was indulging. He had watched his older brother kill himself with heroin, and here he was dabbling in the devil’s juice- at only fifteen years old. He stopped talking to his brother as soon as he knew what he was into the stuff, knowing what it was capable of doing to you. He never knew his father, but he was sure he was just as bad. And their he was, coming down off of the drug that had singlehandedly destroyed his country. 
He smiled, and reached over for last nights needle. 
     “Ohh Cousin, I think I have fallen in love.”

Picture: Chuck Jines
Influential Blog: Textelcine

1 comment:

  1. I like how you start this post with the feelings in sort of a staggering staccato which I feel is how those feelings would come on. It also sort of sets a tone in which the audience should read. I think whenever you are dealing with heavy subject matter such as substance abuse the audience sort of needs to be lead into it and I feel like you've done a great job. I think placing your story in Russia is an interesting choice. It's sort of a refreshing perspective as opposed to the "usual" if you will. I like your overall story and I think you're going in a good direction with it. I'm a little confused as to the general layout of the blog. It's so bright in contrast with the heavy subject matter, but perhaps that is your intent and if so good job. I also noticed your background photo is of the Vegas sign. Perhaps is that a foreshadow to where your character is heading? I like the sort of spartan flare your font and pictures have. I feel they fit well with the whole Russian theme. I would advise though that perhaps the feel of the pictures change when your character actually reaches the United States. I would also caution you as to the direction this story goes once your character makes it to the US. When i say caution I merely mean try to avoid the age old "coming to America to make something of myself" cliche. I think if you can avoid that, this story would go from good to great. It's very realistic but not in a corny way. I commend you on taking such a different route with this story. I think you're going good places with this. Great job so far and good luck!
